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Hidden away in the woods of the Sourland Mountains in central western New Jersey is a modest studio featuring digital tracking with Steinberg Cubase and mastering with Steinberg Wavelab along with a UAD card and a host of plugins.I am Arthur Dorety and the main operator of the studio.

A brief overview:

The space is 25' by 14' and has an isolation booth where a Ludwig Vistalite Kit usually resides, though the booth can accommodate someone else's kit, a vocalist or whatever the project may require. Currently an Allen and Heath SQ7 does multi tracking and a pair of Avalon 737s paired with an RME AD/DA converter does stereo and mono tracking. There are number of mics available by Neuman, Telefunken, Earthworks, Sennheiser, AKG, Beyer, Shure, etc..   

Monitoring is done via Tannoys, QSCs, Polks and Headphones if necessary. A secondary Yamaha drumkit is also available, some Roland keyboards and we have Vox and Fender Princeton amps available as well.

i have reasonable rates and will work with you as a client to achieve a reasonable budget.

For more information contact:

or Call 609-222-4157 leave a message.

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